On October 31, 2023, at the Vietnam Institute of Animal Science, the Center for Central Rural Development in Central Vietnam, the University of Tasmania (Australia, the National Institute of Animal Science and Vietnam National University of Agriculture Ministry Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) jointly held a kick-off meeting for the project “Integrating smallholder households and farm production systems into commercial beef supply chains in Vietnam”.

Dr. Pham Cong Thieu, Director of NIAS, delivering the opening speech
The project “Integrating smallholder households and farm production systems into commercial beef supply chains in Vietnam”, funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), is implemented from 2023 to 2026 in Hanoi, Thai Binh and Quang Binh provinces with a total investment of 16,848,899,600 VND, in which 14,145,129,600 VND is non-refundable funding from ACIAR, and the remaining 2,703,770,000 VND is counterpart fund contributed by the Vietnamese Government. The project co-implemented by the University of Tasmania (Australia), the National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS), Vietnam University of Agriculture (VNUA), and Center for Rural Development in Central Vietnam ( CRD).
The project aims to improve the linkage among smallholder farming households, commercial operators and other actors in the beef supply chain in Australia and Vietnam, and to improve livelihoods for smallholder farmers during their participation in the commercial beef supply chain in Vietnam through access to pilot business models. There will be 03 project components as follows: Component 1. Evaluation and identification of advantages and limitations in the commercial beef supply chain; Component 2: Building a linkage model in the beef trade supply chain; Component 3: Expanding the model of beef trade supply chain linkage.
Dr. Stephen Ives – Project Director of Australian Implementing Agency presented an introduction to the project
Speaking at the meeting, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh An, Chief Representative of ACIAR in Vietnam, expressed her belief that with a solid foundation of long-term cooperation, mutual understanding, and a very clear objective, the project will be implemented successfully.
Participants in the kick-off meeting