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Một xã hội nông thôn phát triển bền vững, nơi không còn nghèo đói và con người sống có trách nhiệm với môi trường.

Natural disasters and climate change (CC) have been causing several severe impacts on the agricultural production of Quang Tri Province. The damages will be much greater if no timely and appropriate adaption is made. If there are no timely and solutions these damages will be higher in the coming time especially activities of. Following 1st phase, the 2nd phase of the project was implemented under the funding of the Embassy of Finland..


Funded by the Embassy of Finland, the 1st phase of the project “Enhancing capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation in production at sandy area of Quang Tri province” (2009 – 2011) achieved good outcomes. However , the outcomes of the project in the 1st phase were seen as an experimenta on a small scope and scale. The production models were undiverse, and some productive activities have yet to take market factor into account if produced in a large scale. Therefore, the the 2nd phase of the project “Enhancing capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation in production at sandy area of Quang Tri province” was implemented under the funding of the Embassy of Finland. The duration of the 2nd phase was 2 years, from July 2012 to June 2014.


The objective of the project is “To enhance the adaptive capacity and mitigation to CC to develop sustainable agriculture production following market production at sandy areas of Quang Tri province..

• Objective 1: To replicate certain available models of AP and CC adaptation and mitigation (from the 1st phase), identify and establish new kinds of models at the sandy area of Quang Tri province.

* Main activities:
– Determining and selecting products to develop AP for the sandy area.
– Replicating some successful models of AP in the 1st period.
– Selecting and testing some (new) crop plants, livestock and production methods of these crop plants and livestock to adapt to CC.
– Replicating some new models from the results of the action research.
– Holding study tours for local people and authorities
– Holding conferences and onfield workshops to announce, evaluate and replicate the models
– Holding exposure visits to the surrounding areas to replicate the models of the project
Objective 2: To enhance the capacity of market access for communities in the Quang Tri province to aim at sustainable agricultural production in the context of CC.
* Main activities:
– Training on group organization, production management and agribusiness for the people
– Establishing farmer groups for production cooperation .
– Establishing a network of co-production groups and connecting with entreprises.
– Building up labels for some local agricultural products having capacity for good production – Making leaflets and video clips on production process and promoting some products.
Objective 3: Advocating and integrating CC into the agricultural production development strategy of the sandy area of Quang Tri province
*Main activities:
– Training on CC and AP for some agricultural officials
– Holding workshops for sharing experience, announcing project outcomes and doingpolicy advocacy
– Supporting to build development agricultural production strategy for the sandy area following good production orientation, CC adaption and mitigation. -. Documentating and announcing project achievements and experiences


1. The project must be implemented under the guidance of the Party and Government at all levels.
2.The operation of the project must be in close accordance with the project goals and objectives.
3. The project action plan and finance must be disclosed and transparent of.
4. Mobilizing maximum participation of the stakeholders, especially the positive contribution of the people.
5. Taking advantages of the local professional agencies, domestic and foreign universities.
6. Clearly determining the responsibilities of the stakeholders.
7. Integrating with other programs and projects in the area during the project implementation.
8. Focusing on gender issues and the sustainability of the project.


The project wasdeployed mostly in Trieu Giang, Trieu Van Communes, Trieu Phong District and Hai Que Commune, Hai Lang District, Quang Tri Province. Besides that, some activities were implemented on provincial and district scales.

1. The Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam
2. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Tri Province
3. The District People’s Committees of Trieu Phong and Hai Lang
4. The Commune People’s Committees of Trieu Giang, Trieu Van, Hai Que
5. Chambers of Agriculture & Rural Development and Rural Extension Stations of Hai Lang and Trieu Phong Districts
6. Networks, production groups and cooperatives
7. Some agricultural enterprises in Quang Tri and other provinces.

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