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Using beer brewing grains as feed in shrimp aquaculture

With the aim of reducing investment costs, 12 households in Vinh Ha (Phu Vang) used beer brewing grains as feed in shrimp aquaculture interspersed with economic efficiency.
Vinh Ha is a commune with largest aquaculture area of Phu Vang district with 364 hectares. Since 2005 and earlier, shrimp aquaculture area has constantly expanded, brought high efficiency, many households out of poverty and become rich; the rural face has changed significantly. However, from 2007 and later, epidemics of shrimp have occured frequently, continuous losses. Farmers are no longer able to reinvest, therefore, they switch to shrimp mix-aquaculture.
In last time, people used industrial feed in shrimp aquaculture and integrated aquaculture, feed prices are high but economic value is low. Meanwhile, many households in Vinh Ha used beer brewing grains in pig raising that reduced investment costs, made pigs thrived. Basing on that, people have thought to try using beer brewing grains as feed in shrimp and fish aquaculture. After nearly four months of aquaculture, shrimp and fish thrived, feed costs reduced, high efficiency. Currently, there are 12 households using beer brewing grains as feed in shrimp aquaculture in the area of Vinh Ha commune. Mr. Van Dinh Tien shared that: “I used beer brewing grains as feed for shrimp randomly, because pigs could eat beer brewing grains so shrimp could do. Noone knew that coincidence successed, reduced investment costs, enhanced production efficiency.”
Early 2013, Station of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Extension of Phu Vang district has built a project “Using beer brewing grains in shrimp, crab, fish mix-auqculture in Vinh Ha commune” to reduce input costs. With aquaculture area of ​​0.8 ha of Mr. Van Dinh Tien at hamlet 3, Vinh Ha commune; including which, a pond with 0,4 ha used beer brewing grains as feed and the rest pond with 0.4 ha didn’t use beer brewing grains to compare, used to a performance model for fishermen visit and learn. Mrs. Duong Thi Quy, station of Aquaculture, Forestry and Fisheries Extension of Phu Vang district’s officer said that: “After nearly four months aquaculture, cost of pond using beer brewing grains as feed fell 30%; shrimp were green color and shiny. Tiger shrimps in the pond using beer brewing grains have 2g higher average weight than those pond using industrial feed. Production was 3.7 quintal of shrimp and 60 kg of fish; 10 kg higher than the pond using industrial feed. Initial assessment showed that shrimp aquaculture using beer brewing grains as feed brought fairly satisfactory efficiency, water environment was not different from conventional aquaculture. Until now, however, using beer brewing grains as feed in shrimp aquaculture have not had appropriate feed rate yet. In the next time, the unit will coordinate with farmers using beer brewing grains to bring out the most specific and appropriate dosage in practice effectively.

The model using beer brewing grains in shrimp mix-aquaculture is the model taking advantage of available seed of beer brewing grains at locality, low cost, reducing feed costs during aquaculture process. Shrimp, crab, fish still thrive with high productivity that increases economic efficiency for fishermen. However, according to Mr. Nguyen Van Tuong, Head of Station of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Extension of Phu Vang district, this is an initial assessment so that we have not known exactly whether using beer brewing grains in shrimp affects environment of bottom pond. Stations has sent samples of the bottom pond to Depatment of Science and Technology to analyze and evaluate the quality of the pond bottom. If water environment and pond bottom are not polluted, Station of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Extension of Phu Vang district will mobilizie fishermen in the district replicating the mode in order to contribute to improving the efficiency per unit area and enhance income for fishermen in the locality.

Besides checking and analyzing, accessing environment, appropriate authorities also need to analyze quality of shrimp products using beer to brewing grains to ensure food safety for consumers.

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